This meeting took place on January 29-30 2018 at the Management Centre Europe in Brussels.
The workshop sessions were devoted to financial issues and also a helddesk were carried out, where the partners could have bilateral discussions with EACEA.
Project Management Team Meetings
The Project Management Team is composed by UB, ANECA, NAAC and Symbiosis. The representatives of these institutions have been in permanent contact since the beginning of the project.
The PMT has met on different occasions to follow the progress of the project.
Brussels. January 26h - 30th 2018
This meeting took place on January 29-30 2018 at the Management Centre Europe in Brussels.
The workshop sessions were devoted to financial issues and also a helddesk were carried out, where the partners could have bilateral discussions with EACEA.
Manipal, December 7th and 8th 2018
The management team met at Manipal in a Cluster Meeting between India and the EU. A delegation of the EQUAMBI consortium (composed by NAAC, Mysore and Mangalore) were meet with the Mr. Ralf Rahders, Hear of International Capacity Building at EACEA.4 and Mrs. Giordana Bruno, Project Officer in charge of the EQUAMBI Project at EACEA.
Bangalore, January 29th and 30th 2019
The management team met at Hilton Golf Park Bangalore in order to look through WP 1,2 and 3. Furthermore, the MT planned the activities and outputs for 2 phase of the Project. During the second day of the event, PMT meet with NAAC director and afterwards there were discussions over the mapping document.
Bangalore. September 26th and 27th 2019
During the last week of September, the EQUAM BI partnership met at NAAC to discuss the management and plan the activities of the project. Indian Partners discussed together with the project coordinator the results of the study visits to europe and the plans to implement the equambi first outputs in their institutions. Partners also discuss the agenda for the next multiplier effect workshop and partner meeting taking place at the Asian Institute lf Design in Bangalore 8.9 November.
Madrid. December 2th and 3th 2019
During the first week of December, there was a PMT meeting in Madrid between UB, SiU and ANECA in order to prepare the next steps of the project regarding the implementation plans. Moreover it was discussed the fit of existing QA initiatives in Indian Universities in the Implementation Plans and with the Toolkit. Partners also discussed the agenda for the next multiplier effect workshop and Dissemination conference to be held in Pune in March 2020.
Madrid. December 4th and 5th 2019
Also in December, UB and ANECA met together in Madrid for planning the development of WP4 and WP5, in order to provide a clear guide to the partners. With a few months of the project ahead, there are several activities that should be coordinated to assure a proper development of the final stages.
Bangalore. March 5th and 6th 2020
In early March, the EQUAMBI partnership met at NAAC to discuss management and plan project activities. There was great concern about the COVID outbreaks that are occurring in different parts of the world and which have hit Italy hard. However, the meeting focused on the Final Conference that NAAC has to organise.