This meeting took place on January 29-30 2018 at the Management Centre Europe in Brussels.
The workshop sessions were devoted to financial issues and also a helddesk were carried out, where the partners could have bilateral discussions with EACEA.
Comprehensive reports of the Indian partners
Despite the difficulties of some Indian institutions to follow the development of the project after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, most of them have been able to successfully complete the activities. Some of them have written a full report of activities, results and reflections of their participation in the project, detailing future deployment/adaptation plans focus on sustainability, explaining the use of dissemination materials and related activities, showing the impact achieved so far and some other points that partners wanted to remark:
Letters of Commitment
The participation of Indian institutions in the EQUAMBI project and the involvement they are having in the implementation of Quality Assurance in their universities, makes their willingness to continue the work started with EQUAMBI solid. Even so, as a sign of commitment, some of the institutions have reported in writing their willingness to continue the activities beyond the eligibility period of the project, financing the rest of the deployment with their own resources.
All this deployments are in line with the global trends of Quality Assurance in Higher Education Institutions, thanks to the impulse that the European Commission has promoted through the co-funding of this project.
Other Sustainability & Dissemination Outputs
This section shows other results obtained (and not initially expected from the project) that have an impact on its sustainability or serve dissemination purposes.