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Final conference at NAAC


The Final Conference, organised by NAAC with the support of the University of Barcelona, finally had to be held in an online format due to the restrictions of the COVID19 pandemic.

Still, the partners had the opportunity to present the results of the project, the degree of deployment of their implementation plans and their commitment to further deploy Quality Assurance in India, both in their own institutions and by encouraging and assisting other Higher Education Institutions in the country to join this Quality Assurance Management initiative.

Pre-Conference Meeting


All members were invited to a Pre-Conference on June 25th, facilitated by the NAAC.

The final agenda of the conference and the promotion of the conference by all members were discussed. Furthermore, responsibilities were distributed among the partners to lead the presentations of the results and dissemination during the two days of the final conference in July.

Preparation for the Final Dissemination Conference

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A preparatory meeting for the final conference between NAAC and the University of Barcelona was held on 15 June.

Apart from dealing with issues of content, invitations and participating personalities, the possibility of holding a pre-conference with all the partners was raised in order to prepare in detail the participation of each one of them and the consequent dissemination and promotion activities.

Meeting with EACEA and report to partners

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In May, discussions were held with the EACEA on the concerns and requests from partners regarding the impact of the pandemic on the project.

The meeting between the project coordination and the EACEA was followed by a coordination briefing meeting with the project partners to report on the results and decisions of the meeting with the EACEA.

Bilaterals Meetings


​During the months of February and March 2021, it was necessary to conduct bilateral meetings between the project coordination and certain partners to support the development of this final phase of the project.

In February with Jadavpur University and in March with ANECA and KTH.

Coordination Meeting


In January 2021, after some hard months in Europe and India due to COVID, at a time when it seems that it is possible to start working, albeit in online format, the project is being promoted again from the coordination.

This is done through a meeting of project partners on the 22nd.

Consortium Meeting


In view of the global outbreak of COVID-19, a special online consortium meeting was held to take stock of the current situation and discuss next steps.

This meeting was scheduled to take place on 6 April 2020.

Dissemination conference in Pune


Taking advantage of the possibility offered by the partner Symbiosis, which together with the Indian Association of Universities held an International Conference on Higher Education, a second international conference was held, this time in India, on 6-8 March 2020 in Pune.

This conference was a great opportunity to establish new relations of the project consortium with other HEIs and for the dissemination of EQUAMBI in the international scope.

Mutiplier effect workshop in Pune


A second workshop was held in Pune on 4-5 March 2020. However, due to the outbreak of the COVID pandemic, many partners were unable to travel and participation was not as high as expected.

Nevertheless, the main aspects of the refinement of the implementation plans through the EU-India coachings and the deployment of these plans could be addressed.

Mutiplier effect workshop 


The Equam bi Mutiplier effect workshop was conducted in Bangalore. All partners had the chance to present and discuss together with non partner univeristies and other bangalore based actors, the main aspects of the project. 


Also, it was an opportunity to discuss and tune the different  QA strategies that, in the framework of the project,  partners will implement. 

Meeting at NAAC

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During the last week of September, the EQUAM BI partnership met at NAAC to discuss the management and plan the activities of the project.  Indian Partners discussed together with the project coordinator the results of the study visits to europe and the plans to implement the equambi first outputs in their institutions.  

Study Visit at Valencia


The study visit was held by the University of Valencia during June 13th and 14th 2019. 


Among many things, partners learnd about IVIE report on U-Ranking, and the AUDIT procedure of ANECA or Internal Quality Assurance Unit at the University of Valencia. 

Study visit at Stockholm


This visit to KTH headquarters in Stockholm took place on June 10th and 11th 2019. Duing this meeting, partners had the opportunity to learn about KTH Data management system. 


Partners also discussed on different topics, as online tools to handle Quality assurance. 




Workshop at Chennai


This workshop was held by IITM in Madras, India, on April 21-22 2019. During this event, the EQUAM BI partners had the opportunity to discuss and share common experiences regarding good practices on data collection and management.  Also, in this workshop, partners identify the upcoming challenges for Indian Partners on this field and how they can learn from the European partner experiences.  

Workshop at Symbiosis


This meeting was held in Pune, at Symbiosis International facilities on March 7, 8 and 9 2019.

During this event, SIU presented a report on QAM, afterwards, NAAC and ANECA presented their respective observations on the findings of the study.  

On the second day of the event there were several presentations on Data management and QAM Practices.

The last day, SIU organized a University campus tour and different activities within a cultural program.

Project Management Team meetings


The Project Management Team is composed by UB, ANECA, NAAC and Symbiosis. The representatives of these institutions have been in permanent contact since the beginning of the project. 


The PMT has met on different occasions to follow the progress of the project.

Kick off Meeting


The kick off meeting of the project was held in Bangalore. The objectives of the project, the Work plan and the main management guidelines were presented and discussed during this meeting.

During the event, the NAAC, also presented the general trends of benchmarking strategies in India and presented a report on the current status of Quality Assurance principles.

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