This meeting took place on January 29-30 2018 at the Management Centre Europe in Brussels.
The workshop sessions were devoted to financial issues and also a helddesk were carried out, where the partners could have bilateral discussions with EACEA.

WP 1 PREPARATION: Scoping work
1.1 Kick off meeting
1.2 Scanning the uses of benchmarking in QA (Internal document)
1.3 Desk research ‐ EU TRENDS
1.4 White Paper
2.1 Comparing the structures and procedures use in the QA management in learning and teaching (Internal document)
2.2 Comparing the structures and procedures in QA in research, innovation and internationalization (Internal document)
2.3 Integration document
2.4 Workshop at Symbiosis
3.1 Comparing data management in learning and teaching (Internal document)
3.2 Comparing data management in research, innovation and internationalization (Internal document)
* Report on Data management practices in India.
3.3 Integration document
3.4 Integration Workshop in Chennai
WP 4 DEVELOPMENT: Development of Benchmarking tools to support QA management & Decision making mechanisms
4.1 Development of Benchmarking tool for L & T
4.2 Development of Benchmarking tool kit for QA. management
* First Draft of the Internal QA Management Toolkit
* Final Version of the Internal QA Management Toolkit
4.3 Study visit & training sessions on Data Management
4.4 Study visit & training sessions on QA internal assurance procedures for T & L
* Report on Study visits: Outcomes & recommendations
4.5 Equipment ‐ internal QAB
WP 5 DISSEMINATION & EXPLOITATION: Implementation and evaluation of the Benchmarking tools and capacity building to ensure their effective application
5.1 Implementation of benchmarking strategies
5.1.1 Toolkit Template + Implementation Plans
5.1.2 Template + Good Practices Compendium
WP 6 DISSEMINATION & EXPLOITATION : Dissemination & Multiplier
6.1 International Dissemination Conferences:
6.1.1 At UB in Barcelona (January 7th-8th 2020)
6.1.2 At SIU in Pune (March 5th-6th-7th 2020)
6.2 Multiplier effect workshop
6.2.1 At EduLink-AID in Bangalore (Nov. 7th-9th 2019)
6.2.2 At SIU in Pune (March 4th-5th 2020)
6.3 Final conference at NAAC (July 8th-9th 2021)
6.4 Project website
WP 7 QUALITY PLAN: Quality tools for the project implementation
7.1 Quality Committee
7.2 Quality Assurance Plan
7.3 External evaluation
WP 8 MANAGEMENT: Project Management
8.1 Management Team (MT) meetings
8.2 Project Management Guidelines and internal MoUs
8.3 Production of interim and final reports